Thursday, August 24, 2006

Related articles in Google Scholar

Related articles in Google Scholar Google Scholar recently added the ability to find related articles for a paper, so I decided to try it out with a paper from my former life as a graphics person. It was a paper in SIGGRAPH a few years ago called the "Office of the Future" and it dealt with projecting images onto surfaces that aren't exactly flat. If you predistort an image before you project it, you can often cancel out the different surfaces as you project onto them, which lets you create the appearance of a flat screen again. Here's a picture that gives you the idea. It's completely unrelated to me or the paper, but it demonstrates the concept really well (I just did a flickr search for [projection surface] and found a nice result–thanks flickr! I don't read German,... Source: If you no longer wish to receive message like this, please contact the sender. Try Google Reader today:

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